Monday, February 4

This is so cool, my friend Sarah showed it to me! One day, I'll be able to do it too...


Cheryl said...

That was pretty wild. I wonder how they did it?

Mary said...

Neat. Young people are soooo talented.

Anonymous said...

You find the best videos. I'm still wiping off tears from the last one and now I'm cracking up in wonder...

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

WOW! where do you find this stuff?

You can tell I'm a mom when All I was thinking was this:

1-the walls are too white I see fingerprints in my kitchen

2-turn the pan handle, turn the pan handle, a little one could grab it.

3-I didn't see you wash your hands first!

4-pull back your hair before cooking.

Great clip, Emily!
Thank you for sharing this one, too!

Crepe's anyone?


Lena said...

This was amazing! So enjoyable. You find the best clips.


heiresschild said...

which part did you mean one day you'll be able to do: the dancing (even thru the air), the cooking, the eating, or all 3? great video!

Billy said...

Hope you had a wonderful day!