Monday, February 4

This is so cool, my friend Sarah showed it to me! One day, I'll be able to do it too...

Sunday, February 3

Ahh, Sunday morning. Usually I wake up at about eleven to a note outside my door that says something to the matter of, "Coffee with Kit. Call me when you wake up!" I take a shower, clean up my mess, get on the computer and about two hours later my Mom calls. She always says, "Your finally awake! How long have you been up?" I say, "About two hours now." I usually get a response of, "Well I told you to call me when you woke up, why didn't you?" Thats usually how it works around here. This morning was different. I woke up, sat in bed for a minute, my mom came in and told me to get up so we could read before company got here.

My Mom's book club is reading "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. The last section in the book, 'Love' I decided to read with her. We've been reading out loud almost every night (mostly me though, she hasn't had much of a voice). I would recommend the book to everyone, from the last section I can tell that the beginning of the books is pretty amazing. We were reading this morning and only have about fifteen pages to go when my Aunt and Grandma ring the doorbell. I need to finish the book, so I guess this morning finished reading-out-loud time...

Today I'll be going over to my Dad's house, after my mom leaves. He's having a community super bowl party today and I'm spending the night, seeing my Mom won't be home tonight.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday and enjoy the super bowl commercials!
This video is so inspirational, I wish there were more guys like him around here... I also hope his children know what an amazing father they had.

Saturday, February 2

What should my first post be about? Should it be about my new heartache, softball pre-season, my search for a church or how I need to convince my mom we need to move? How about moving. I live near an army base, everyone I've ever known has moved away. I get new friends and neighbors every year. For them, it's normal to move around, and weird if you've lived in the area for more than three years. I on the other hand, have never moved. I've been in the same state, city, town and house my whole life. I need to move away, I'm tired of the same boarded up buildings, restaurants, malls and scenery. Nothing ever changes in Maryland, except it seems like there building new houses everyday... If there was a way to live with my Dad, I think I would. He lives with my step mom in a really nice neighborhood. The problem is, he's part of a 60 years and older community meaning, there are bus stops right around the corner, but the school wouldn't accept his address. The rules of the community is no one under eighteen can live there for more than sixty days at a time, so they don't put them in the school system. I wish there was a way though, too bad.

My mom has to have her section in this post. You may know her as Ladeda, obviously I'm her daughter, you probably know me from there... Well, shes calling me down to clean up, more later!